
He looks so big compared to Shay


Ok not much happens with us, but we're ok with that. Well first off my kids are getting so big.

Shaylie is doing well in second grade. It's pretty dramatic being seven though!!! There's a first, second, third, and fourth best friend. Each week it all changes because somebody did something wrong:) Not only is there ten best friends but they fall in love young now. This friend loves that boy and that boy dumps some girl. Wow.... i never even thought of that kind of stuff that young. She gets pretty good grades so far. She's had a few strait A's for different semesters. She loves Drake and our new puppy. Her hobby's are her million best friends, a boy Landon she claims she doesn't like but talks about non stop, her scooter, bike, dancing, singing, and HANNA MONTANA.

Drke is growing fast. He had his first haircut before he was six months. We cut two inches off his head and left one inch still on his head. He is a happy baby. He talks his baby talk. He even says momma and mom. I don't know if he means to and i doubt he knows what is means yet, but it makes me Happy:) I like to think he knows he's calling me! He is in his 90th percentile in hight and 75 percentile in weight. I don't know where he gets his biggness from. We're both pretty small. Drake is now sitting up and wanting to crawl. He would walk right now if he could figure it out. He is always ready to go go go. He laughs at stuff and it is so cute. I love baby laughs. They are adorable.

Janten and i both have good jobs, (thank goodness) Janten works hard at his job. We both enjoy riding our dirt bikes. I loves fourwheelers when i was younger, but dirt bikes rock!! I have a girl gang of dirt bike riders. It's way fun. My sister chelsey lives here because she married jantens friend who was from here. She has a dirt bike too. So us and a few of our friends go out riding a few times a week. I've had a couple good wrecks and thought i might have broke my hip once. Not really, but it hurt real bad. I really enjoy my friends here, but i still miss all of you from good ol Bryce Valley. My sister Jaden is pregnant. It's about time one of my sisters have a baby. My kids need cousins from my side. My parents use any excuse to come visit all of us kids. I didn't realize how good of friends my sisters and i could be. I really enjoy being close to them. Life is pretty good:)


I don't really have a whole lot to say right now, but i love pictures. My blog will probably mainly be pictures.

Chelsey giving Drake his first hair cut at five and a half months

Chelsey messured Drakes hair. Two inches!! with an inch still left on his head

He's a crazy kid already

We got a new puppy and Drake loves her


Drake is growing like crazy. He is almost five monts. He ways 16 and a half pounds now. He is in his 90th percentile for his highth which is weird because i'm short and janten isn't that tall. He is full of personality. He talks(or goos and coos anyway), holds things, rolling over, and is almost ready to sit up. The only thing he won't do willingly is eat baby food or real food. The picture below is of his first tast of baby food. I put some potatoe in his mouth once and he gagged then projectile vommited. It's going to be tricky to get this one to eat.

Drake is getting so big.

Drake is getting so big.
What are you feeding me?

Shaylie sporting the goggles at one of janten's races.

Shaylie Ann Feltner

Shaylie Ann Feltner
Shay was wanting her hair permed so bad and then when she finally got it done, she wanted streight hair again

Drake R. Reber

Drake R. Reber
I didn't do it...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

:) :)
